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Eran HeffetzEran Heffetz is the Co-founder and CEO of Bites, a game-changing training platform that offers the ultimate solution for frontline workforce training, communication, and engagement. It’s a revolutionary content creation app enabling managers to easily create and deliver media-based professional units to employees through existing channels such as WhatsApp, Slack, SMS, and Microsoft Teams.

With past successes in hospitality, real estate, and technology, Eran co-founded eight restaurants and bars, is a board member of the fintech startup Obligo, and is the Co-founder and board member of City People, which specializes in urban renewal projects. He is also a veteran IAF F-16 fighter pilot with experience as an executive in various industries.

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Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:

  • Entrepreneurship lessons Eran Heffetz learned as an F-16 fighter pilot
  • The ideation of Bites and its offerings
  • Eran explains why he built a tech-based training platform for frontline employees
  • Building a product based on customers’ demands
  • What are Bites’ pricing and business models?
  • How companies generate ROI using Bites
  • Eran shares Bites’ customer success stories
  • Tips for acquiring the first key clients
  • What’s the importance of partnerships?
  • Eran speaks about the lessons he learned from successes and failures
  • The value of having mentors as an entrepreneur — and the benefits of joining Entrepreneurs’ Organization

In this episode…

Training and engaging the frontline workforce is part of increasing the overall performance of a company. Do you have the expertise, platform, or tools to streamline the training process and make it more effective?

Frontline employees are often the face of the company and are responsible for delivering the first impression to customers. Therefore, receiving the necessary training to perform their duties effectively is crucial. However, many managers struggle to train their frontline employees due to a lack of time and resources and conflicting expertise. Eran Heffetz recommends outsourcing services for training, communications, and engagement.

In this episode of the Rising Entrepreneur Podcast, Dr. Jeremy Weisz is joined by Eran Heffetz, the Co-founder and CEO of Bites, to discuss how companies can train their frontline employees. Eran talks about Bites, why he built a tech-based training platform for frontline employees, its business and pricing models, and customer success stories.

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Co-founders Dr. Jeremy Weisz and John Corcoran credit podcasting as being the best thing they have ever done for their businesses. Podcasting connected them with the founders/CEOs of P90xAtariEinstein BagelsMattelRx Bars, YPO, EO, Lending Tree, FreshBooks, and many more.

The relationships you form through podcasting run deep. Jeremy and John became business partners through podcasting. They have even gone on family vacations and attended weddings of guests who have been on the podcast.

Podcast production has a lot of moving parts and is a big commitment on our end; we only want to work with people who are committed to their business and to cultivating amazing relationships.

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Rise25 Co-founders, Dr. Jeremy Weisz and John Corcoran, have been podcasting and advising about podcasting since 2008.

Episode Transcript

Intro 0:03

Welcome to the Rising Entrepreneurs Podcast where we feature top founders and entrepreneurs and their journey. Now let’s get started with the show.

Jeremy Weisz 0:13

Dr. Jeremy Weisz here founder of, where I talk with inspirational entrepreneurs and leaders today is no different. I have Eran Heffetz of and Eran before I formally introduce you, I always like to point out other episodes, people should check out of the podcast this since this part of my top Israel business leader series. Some of the other people I’ve had on run who you may know, I had Ran Geva a founder of He helps companies with brand protection and monitor the dark web and security for companies I had Amit Oestreicher of Xtras and G-nie talks about how he lost all his clients overnight, not once, but twice. And actually how he bounced back from that Orit Oz is run agency over 25 years in the b2b space and helps companies with their global expansion and consistent branding, and how she did that and launch it across many, many locations and countries. So check those out, and many more and and this episode is brought to you by Rise25 Rise25 we help businesses give to and connect to their dream 100 relationships. And how do we do that we actually help you run your podcast, we’re an easy button for a company to launch and run your podcast we do the strategy, the full accountability and the execution around we call ourselves the magic elves that work in the background and make it look easy for the host band for the company. So they can create great content, develop great relationships, you know, the number one thing in my life is relationships. I’m always looking at ways to give to my best relationships. And I found no better way over the past decade to profile the people and companies I most admire in this planet and share with the world what they’re working on. So if you’ve thought about podcasting, you should have questions go to I am excited to introduce today’s guest, Eran Heffetz is CEO and co founder of Bites, you can find that and the company has dedicated training and onboarding and upskilling frontline employees, I’d know around you describe it as if Tiktok and corporate LMS had a baby. That’s what we’re looking at here. And Bites is a solution for training communication, engaging frontline workforce. And what it really is, it’s a revolutionary content creation app that enables managers to easily create media and creates a seamless delivery to employees. And what’s cool about it right in my opinion is it does this all on existing channels, such as WhatsApp, Slack, the SMS, Microsoft Teams, whatever that company uses they can use because when I’m thinking of LMS, usually it makes you log into a separate place. And you know, what I love about the philosophy of this is because you don’t try and change user behavior, right? It’s like wherever you live. This can let them die by skin live. I know you have over 200,000 users around the world that consume and rely on bytes for their training, communication. And, you know, really bytes makes companies successful by aligning the entire organization. past clients include companies like Unilever, HP, Amazon, and Microsoft many more. And this is around first go around not first rodeo, he co founded eight restaurants and bars as a board member of FinTech, startup Oberliga and led one of Tel Aviv leading urban renewal companies through a merger with a public company. Right, so And to top it off, he is a veteran, F 16 fighter pilot in his path. So Eran, thanks for joining me.

Eran Heffetz 3:49

Thank you. Thank you very much for having me here.

Jeremy Weisz 3:51

I want to start off, you know, I want to talk about my bytes, and what you do. But I want to just also have you share some lessons, some lessons you brought in to your entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship journey, your company as an F 16. fighter pilot. What are some of the lessons you learn there? That Bracci you know, that you take with your entrepreneurship career?

Eran Heffetz 4:15

Yeah, so I think first and foremost is how important it is to be well informed, well, knowledgeable about the things that you’re going to do. The amount of information that you have, and the amount of training that you have prior to doing something has a crucial part on everything you do. And it doesn’t really matter if you’re flying an F 16, or you’re folding a t shirt, or if you’re upselling in the counter or serving a dish, the amount of training that you will get prior and how well a training was delivered to you will have a crucial effect on the outcome. And I think this is in a bite size. Training what we’re trying to do and and bring to the frontline employees justice workforce. Yeah.

Jeremy Weisz 5:04

So talk about Bites for a second. And the idea of this idea come about.

Eran Heffetz 5:14

Okay, so first of all, you mentioned that the sentence is difficult. Tiktok MLMs had a baby. It was actually invented by one of our customers. We adopted it fondly, because it accurately described describe what we were trying to do. And she described it even better than us. So ever since she said it. We’ve been using it. And the

Jeremy Weisz 5:35

best copy around comes from customers. The best. Exactly, exactly,

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