Amit Oestreicher 7:38
forward? Well, it was one of the most stressful moments in my life. When everything was shut down, really, the phone didn’t stop ringing to cancel everything and one client and I stopped answering the phone because I knew what’s what’s going to be on the other side. And I stared at the wall for practically 24 hours, like, you know, your it was just before the judicial week. To him, it was supposed to be like a big, you know, the gigs in the platform. And there was a lot of jobs there. And we were supposed to launch new features and everything. It was supposed to be just the stalling of an amazing years. And in one day, everything is castling. So really standard wall for 24 hours. And then then I called all my staff and told them, okay, everything is shut down. But we have we have an opportunity here to start a new thing. Let’s just grab the phones and find everyone that’s willing to hear us out and understand that we have a solution. And we just expanded everywhere. And in less than a week we start to work again.
Jeremy Weisz 8:55
So you you’re thinking okay, this industry shut down what’s not shut down? So what talk about the pivot and what companies actually you did start working with at that time.
Amit Oestreicher 9:07
That worked with our culture company, who was it was the first quarantine will billions of unemployed people here in Israel. It was all shocked. You know, it was the time that the whole world father the zombie attack is coming and everybody’s gonna die. So yeah, there were there was a huge shortage of people like everywhere. And a friend of mine connected me into the big agriculture company. We signed a contract. My lawyer didn’t want me to sign that contract. I probably say why? Because it was it was a very, very long contract. Very long contract, but there was one line missing. How much money I’m going to get from from that work. Ben said I met you not gotta sign this contract because they aren’t going to pay you. And I thought, okay, you know what, I need to start moving forward. And they want people in the field tomorrow, and I can bring them to people. It’s an IPO company, it’s a big company. They don’t want to get sued, or find a way to solve it out. Let me start working again said, Okay, chill responsibility, because I’m not nothing new signing this contract. And I did. Because, you know, there was something that needed to be done. And, you know, people waiting in line because it was the first quarantine. Nobody got out of their homes, because everybody thought they’re gonna die. And people just begged for permission to go out from their house, you know, because they’re locked down for weeks. I need to go out, you know, give me a permission. Tell, tell tell the everybody that I have work to do. They want to volunteer, really, they want to just want to breathe fresh air, just like prisoners. Seriously?
Jeremy Weisz 11:04
Oh, the agriculture industry? And also, um, you were mentioning labs. COVID Labs? What happened with that? Yeah,
Amit Oestreicher 11:12
well, one day, one day, we had, with a phone call of a vPH of one of the biggest coverage labs here in Israel, was introduced to me and she asked me, it was Friday. No, it was Thursday. And she told me that she called me and said, Okay, we are starting to build a lab. And we’ll need staff to run the labs. And can you build me a staff of 30 people for next week? Who can do instructions and all that kinds of things? And yeah, for sure, I can do that. And that was Thursday. And then she called me Friday, the next day. And she asked me, you remember me on the one from yesterday? Can you be with people now? And I asked her how now is now when you sit down now? And I thought, Okay, I can’t bring you people now. But they can be with people in two hours, per se. Okay, so start bringing them in two hours. And I told that, but what about the people for next week said, Don’t forget next week. Stop now. And then we we brought our people in like two hours. And then she called and said, okay, so you’re bringing people for the evening sheets and for the nightshift or for tomorrow as well right? Now, okay, let’s start rolling. And then like 24 hours, we build a staff of, of dozens of people, we will running like almost 100 people a day and shifts, scheduling through trainings, and through all of that, and we did that, like in a minute.