Kassandra Pike is the Founder of Fliptable, the #1 app for finding and posting restaurant jobs. Powered by AI and contactless QR technology, Fliptable is building the largest community of experienced applicants and hiring managers in the industry. Before this, Kassandra held management positions at companies including Heartland, Freestone Digital Media, and Birchstand.
Here’s a Glimpse of What You’ll Hear:
- Kassandra Pike explains how Fliptable is connecting job seekers with restaurateurs
- What inspired Kassandra to create Fliptable?
- The advantages of using Fliptable as opposed to other hiring and job-seeking platforms
- Kassandra discusses her entrepreneurial endeavors and her passion for making a big impact
In this episode…
Since the pandemic, restaurants have struggled to find the right candidates to solve their understaffing challenges. Additionally, job seekers are overwhelmed trying to manage their resumes and applications across different platforms. Luckily, Kassandra Pike created a solution for both of these issues using one simple app.
If people can find life partners on dating apps, why can’t the restaurant industry match great people on an app, too? This question inspired Kassandra to found Fliptable, an app that offers seamless hiring tools for restaurateurs and matches candidates with the right jobs. The app that started in New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Vermont is now expanding across the US to help job seekers get back to work and connect restaurants with the right people.
In this episode of the SpotOn Series, Chad Franzen is joined by Kassandra Pike, the Founder of Fliptable, to discuss how her app is revolutionizing the restaurant industry. Kassandra shares how both restaurateurs and job seekers can utilize the app, her inspiration behind the project, and how Fliptable is working to move the industry forward.
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Episode Transcript
Intro 0:04
Welcome to the Top Business Leaders Show powered by Rise25 Media, we featured top founders, executives and business leaders from all over the world.
Chad Franzen 0:20
Chad Franzen here co host for this show where we feature top restaurateurs, investors, and business leaders. This is part of our SpotOn Series. SpotOn has the best in class payment platform for retail. And they have a flagship solution called SpotOn Restaurant where they combine marketing software and payments all in one. They’ve served everyone from larger chains like Dairy Queen and Subway to small mom and pop restaurants. To learn more, go to spoton.com This episode is brought to you by Rise25. We help b2b businesses to get ROI clients referrals and strategic partnerships through done for you podcast. If you have a b2b business and want to build great relationships with clients, referral partners and thought leaders in your space, there’s no better way to do it than through podcasts and content marketing. To learn more, go to rise25media.com or email us at support@rise25media.com. Kassie Pike is the founder of Fliptable, a contactless app that provides QR technology to restaurants in order to offer seamless recruitment and a seamless recruitment and hiring tool. In the post pandemic economy. Her vision for Fliptable is to revolutionize the restaurant hiring industry. Kassie, thanks so much for joining me today. How are you?
Kassandra Pike 1:26
Good, good. It’s good to be here.
Chad Franzen 1:28
Hey, so tell me a little bit more about Fliptable and what you guys do.
Kassandra Pike 1:33
So we, we focus on rebuilding the restaurant hiring community. You know, that’s, that’s the short and skinny of it. But we built a product that is contactless via a mobile app that allows restauranteurs and job seekers to connect very much like a dating app does. So it creates matching algorithms, using our artificial intelligence to create a meaningful connection based on tags selected in the restauranteurs profile and the tag selected in the job seekers profile. So it really goes to work, eliminating the resume vetting, and the we get 600 You know, applicants online using indeed and zip recruiter, but of those, you know, very little are actually qualified and want the job. So Fliptable is one of those revolutionary products that takes those pain points of hiring in such a an industry where, you know, keeping and retaining help is is a challenge. And it keeps in mind the pandemic that we’re in and really tries to solve this problem.
Chad Franzen 2:37
So you have like a community of applicants? Well,
Kassandra Pike 2:40
we I use the word community because I feel like the restaurant industry alone is a community of very like minded resilient people. And so I’d rather use the word community than to say customers, I guess you can say, as same thing, you’ll often refer or all refer our restaurant tours as partners, because we really are trying to work together to build this product that’s tailored to their hiring needs. So we currently have more than 800 accounts, we’re just breaching just about 1000. And so we’re excited for the new year. Most of those are in Vermont, New Hampshire, in Boston, Massachusetts. And we’re hoping that with the continued support of our existing restaurants and in the need, that we’re seeing, because the economy for jobseekers to get back to work, that that number will increase daily.
Chad Franzen 3:37
So when a restaurant wants to hire somebody, what would they do in relation to Fliptable?
Kassandra Pike 3:43
Yes, so that’s an excellent question. So again, too, we’ve been live for just under five months, we’ve been piloting in Vermont, New Hampshire and in Boston. So again, I mean, that’s pretty impressive. But if a restaurant wants to join, Fliptable, then they go to the Google Play Store or the Apple Store. And they type in Fliptable app. And they simply download it and follow the, you know, lovely prompts and create their account. And within minutes, they can see matches that they’re looking to get. Now recently, Chad, we did develop a desktop version for restaurateurs, which will allow them to have a dashboard via their, you know, desktop, right, that allows them to see their matches their interviews, their hires, and also the the mobile app option, which will allow them to have access to all that information on the fly.
Chad Franzen 4:38
How unique is this idea?
Kassandra Pike 4:41
Well, I mean, I’m the CEO, so I’m biased, I would say that. It’s a very unique idea. And I think it’s a concept and a product that the restaurant industry needed yesterday, right? Or even a decade before now. And I think when we in general entrepreneurs business owners, pioneers experienced challenges. For example, the pandemic. This is where the true, I guess you can say the true desirable things come to fruition, right? So let’s look at all of the most amazing concepts that have been developed in the world, right? Like Amazon, right? started a new garage, right, Jeff Bezos now is flying space potentially, right. And I don’t know, maybe I’ll rub elbows with him one day and get get a ticket right next to him. But, you know, when we in a world faced these challenges, these are when some of the best products are developed, right. So I think this is really exciting time for the restaurant community, because they now have a team of people, they now have Fliptable, which is a company trying in our best way to tell our product, knowing that we are making impact, and we are continuing to solve these hiring problems for them. And what a better No, there’s no better way to express our true commitment to this industry, then, to let them know that they now have, you know, a community of people behind them, my team who know that this problem exists, and we’re here to try and solve it.
Chad Franzen 6:22
Yeah, it’s I mean, I asked you, because it sounds like a very unique idea to me, how did it come about?
Kassandra Pike 6:29
So my background is actually in the restaurant industry, I grew up and went to college, got my master’s degree, all that pay for my own books paid from home schooling, and I wouldn’t have been able to do it without getting a position in the food, beverage, you know, areas, I started out very, in a very young age, in the back of house positions, work my way to the front of the house, bar attended, hostess was a manager, and I even was back there, you know, doing sous chef, dishwasher, you name it, I think that’s what makes this industry and people that work in, it’s so amazing, because the reality of it is they’re very versatile human beings. And one day, they can be you know, flipping a pizza, the next day, they can be, you know, operating stock market, you just never know, right. And I love that I get to have conversations with these restaurateurs and job seekers on a daily basis and talk to them about this product, and let them know that we are here to help them solve this, this hiring pain point. And with a product that is fun, intuitive, and inexpensive. So you know, I use the terminology that we’re we’re like the Bumble of the restaurant industry. Right? So everybody, a lot of people are very familiar with the dating app, Bumble and, and I think it’s a phenomenal product, because it simplifies such a complex thing, which is creating meaningful connections. And I did some work in hiring. And I’ve done all of that. And I found that if people are willing to marry and, you know, find the love of their lives with a simple right left connection, why can’t we create a product within an industry that needs it the most, the food and beverage industry that does the same thing, right? Let’s also keep in mind that folks in the restaurant industry are not necessarily the most privy to writing a resume, because they don’t have time to there, they’re so stretched, and they’re, you know, their availability is right now. So if you’re looking to hire, I’m ready to be hired right now. And online applications and questionnaires. And in in the in the restaurant applications are a thing of the past. Nobody wants to touch anything. Nobody wants to hand back a piece of paper because it feels like homework. And they just don’t have time for that. So simply by going to the Google Play Store or the Apple Store, both the job seeker and the restaurant, can download the app, create their profile and start matching instantly.
Chad Franzen 9:10
Was there kind of like an aha moment? What were you doing? Or what how did that? How did that come about? Like? Who thought of it? When did the idea pop into somebody’s head?
Kassandra Pike 9:21
Yeah, so the idea. So it is the concept itself came came from really me traveling around the country as a business consultant. And I often traveled alone, and I would sit down at restaurants. And I was somebody that always approached, you know, in a humble way to start a conversation, just to be friendly. And I often found the conversation that came to be was from a manager or a bartender or a barback or hostess having to be there. And I would always find the one thing they discussed the most is that we can’t find help. We can’t find it quick enough. And for somebody And the people that come in are not qualified. So even though we find them when we’re finding them from platforms like Indeed ZipRecruiter, etc, they’re not staying because they’re simply just not qualified. But we took them because we were we needed, we’re desperate, right. And this was even before the pandemic. So when the pandemic hit, and I saw that this industry was one that was hit the most in terms of, you know, having to shut down their doors and lay people off, some even chose, I’m never going back to the food beverage industry, which is so sad. I knew that. Now more than ever was the time to make sure that we can focus on this group of people in rebuilt.
Chad Franzen 10:40
So you have developed this app. And you said, you were like, you’ve been alive for about five months, what have been kind of the challenges, just the process of kind of introducing it to the restaurant community up there in the Northeast, where you are?
Kassandra Pike 10:53
Yeah. So it hasn’t been a challenge at all, when we approach restaurants, because restaurants are seeking anything better than what’s out there already. Right. And most of the people, restaurateurs, managers, owners, that we approach, our enthusiastic about what we’re building, and if anything, they want to be a part of it. And they offer to be a part of the feedback loop. They want to be part of the development. You know, they often want to help us in some of our meetings, some of the some people have even suggested being a part of our board. You know, because we are startup in we’re, we’re seeking funding. So it has not been a challenge. I mean, it’s it that’s such a popular question, Chad, that that we get asked, right? The challenge has actually been the chicken in the egg, right. So when we market, your marketing to the restaurant owner, right, and you’re marketing to the job seeker, because you have to make aware to the job seekers of this newer product, right, that’s not an A D, that’s not as your recruiter that’s not a LinkedIn. But once we figured out that, because the technology itself is so unique, we use that in our favor to promote this product to the job seeker. So, in essence, for the restaurant tour, when we promote the product, and we let them know, listen, our product is in the hands of your job seekers, because your job seekers are also at a grocery store. They’re also a soccer game. They’re also at a one of their children’s place. And this app allows them to see your rules live passively. And you can literally be in the back of the house, you know, working on your vendor management, whatever it is food prep, and be pinged that someone wants that role you just posted. So so the app literally acts as your recruitment. You know, I mean, so a lot of these restaurants are paying an exorbitant amount of money to hire recruitment companies to do what this app does for a very small subscription fee.
Chad Franzen 13:12
So what do you think is the advantage to the job seeker then? I know at least here where I am in Colorado, every restaurant you got it says says we’re understaffed? What are the advantages to the job seeker? Using Fliptable? Yeah,
Kassandra Pike 13:25
so it’s free for the job seeker, the restaurateur pays a small, you know, nominal fee, based on the month that they would like to subscribe. And for the job seeker. It’s it’s fun, like, I mean that it boils down to that and it’s 21st century technology, you know, they’re not having to create a LinkedIn or zip recruiter and deed account and throw the resume in a wall and hope it sticks. When their profile is live, it’s seen right away, based on their geographic location, which is another unique feature that we provide.
Chad Franzen 13:59
did this idea come about as a result of COVID? Or was it in the process already?
Kassandra Pike 14:05
It was in the process already. And I, you know, the, the angle of it is, believe it or not, the, the pandemic provided us with an even greater amount of opportunity. Right in it. And I there’s no like if ands or buts about that, right. Timing is everything. And I happen to be building a team and a product for the restaurant history before the pandemic hit the the pandemic hit. And I remember as a team, you know, sitting around in our zoom conferences at the time, and everyone was like, wow, you know, what an unfortunate thing to happen, you know, to our our country and other countries. And you know, the stars aligned and in here we are in and we have an opportunity To be a part of the, the the forward movement here, so, and we knew it was gonna happen just a matter of when. Right.
Chad Franzen 15:09
So you’ve been you’ve been live since since the summer? Can you take me through how that’s been during the last five months? today?
Kassandra Pike 15:17
Yeah, no, no, it’s been, it’s been wonderful our team has grown. Like I said, we’re, we’re, you know, currently closing our bridge funding round, before we go and raise, you know, some of the major the big money so to speak. This has been primarily bootstrapped by myself, and I call it you know, the the family friend fund, right. And I think that’s the the best strategy for us anyway, in terms of our ability to scale the way that we did. You know, when when we show our pitch deck to people are interested in having stock, right, they cannot believe that we built what we built with the money that we spent. And I just, I think it comes down to finding the right team, with a formula with with just the right amount of grit and hustle, and determination, and then doing whatever it takes to, you know, see the sea of passion through
Chad Franzen 16:17
Is this your first entrepreneurial endeavor? This is
Kassandra Pike 16:21
not no, my first startup, I actually started when I was 21. And I was always living in DC, of all places working for an internship for the White House, while getting my master’s degree from Northeastern University. You know, if you want something to give to a busy person, is how I describe that, you know, in some, but my first startup was an E comm. And I started that with my identical twin sister, who also happens to be my CEO for Fliptable today. And I sold that when I was 23. And to a little bit of a sabbatical did what most 23 year olds do and spend it. And then found myself bored. And so I spent some time in higher ed, actually, of all places, which was really great experience. And I worked in their advancement department, at an Ivy League institution, got slightly bored again, and started my business consulting company where I helped startups enter the market with go to market strategies. And then so that tool marketing agency, when I was 26, and then took a little bit time off. And then I started Fliptable. So here we are, Wow,
Chad Franzen 17:37
very nice. So what is it about entrepreneurship? A, what makes you good at it, that you’re able to sell these businesses, even at a young age, and then be what’s so appealing about it to you?
Kassandra Pike 17:48
Gosh, I think I’ve always been somebody that wants to make a big impact. And I’ve always wanted to know, at the end of the day, you know, are the things that I create things that are going to be remembered and built upon? And are these things going to make a difference in our world and in the people that live in. And so the companies that I start really are based around that premise that everything that we do during the day, no matter where we are in the world, what we’re doing for jobs or who’s with us really need to be about moving forward. So Fliptable is all about that.
Chad Franzen 18:36
Okay, great. I have one last question for you. But first, how can people find out more about Fliptable?
Kassandra Pike 18:42
They can find out more by visiting our website at www.fliptable.io and going to the App Store, or Google Play Store and downloading the Fliptable app.
Chad Franzen 18:53
Okay, great. Last question. Do you have any favorite books or podcasts that you have found valuable for you or that you’ve just enjoyed?
Kassandra Pike 19:02
Well, that’s a that’s a spot on question. Right? Very well, I mean, I tend to read, I tend to read books that are about learning, you know, new, I guess you can say skills and talents. And right now I’m reading a book about how to build stronger channel partners, believe it or not, so essentially, how to take a product like Fliptable and put it in the hands of resellers or ISOs rise fees. And so you can scale it through distribution. So that’s something that I’m thinking about. I’m very interested in and I’m going to do a Joe Rogan shout out because I am a Joe Rogan fan. I listened to his podcast through and through even when I shouldn’t sometimes. So because they’re there. There’s based on they sometimes can be a good distraction. Other times it can be an annoyance depending on who’s around you. But so so he’s my I’m a Joe Rogan fan But I’m always open to listening to new podcasts and, you know, really excited to be a part of SpotOn.
Chad Franzen 20:08
Hey, we’re great. It’s great to have you. It’s great to talk to you and I really appreciate your time today. Thank you so much. Thank you, Chad. So long, everybody.
Outro 20:16
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