
Earn Lifetime Recurring Commissions With Our Referral Program

One of our top priorities is to collaborate with our friends, colleagues, and even our clients. 

We created a referral program that offers lifetime recurring commissions because we prefer compensating our partners rather than paying Google or Facebook.

We work with various agencies, B2B SaaS companies, consultants, and other partners who recommend our services to clients seeking to use podcasting to obtain more referrals, strategic partnerships, and customers. Rise25 is an easy button for companies looking to launch and run their own podcast.

Why Refer to Us?

We’ve discovered that many companies are looking for more referrals, strategic partnerships, and clients who are interested in a hassle-free podcast experience. We want to nurture these collaborations and extend our gratitude to those who make them happen.

We understand that referrals are not made for monetary gain, but rather out of trust and belief in the value we provide. We want to assure you that anyone you refer will be well taken care of, and we deeply appreciate the trust you place in us. 

While we understand that referrals are not made for money, we do want to show our appreciation for your trust. Our hope is that our referral program can provide you with some extra rewards, perhaps even covering an extra vacation or two. 🙂

It has become a reliable revenue stream for some of our referral partners.

Refer to Us

How It Works

Lifetime Recurring Commissions:

Our referral program pays 7% of the monthly revenue for each new client that is referred — for life. As long as the client you referred continues working with us, we will consistently send a direct deposit to your checking account monthly.

In addition to recurring lifetime commissions, some agencies or consultants may layer in a few other services and want us to add that into the proposal for the extra time they would be spending.

Some of our referral partners use us as a quasi-white label service. They may layer in their own oversight, consulting, or coaching, and we can add in an amount for the services they would charge the client for whatever they feel is appropriate — so we could be sending $1,000 or more per client per month (it can add up quickly).


The client you referred pays $1,500/mo for our services.

Option A: We pay a 7% referral commission for the lifetime of the client, which would be $105/mo (minus credit card fees).

Option B: Our partner wants to layer in an additional $500 amount for potential added time or questions or services they would have. In this case, we pay the additional amount plus 7%.

We would be paying you $500 + $150 = $605/mo direct deposit.

Ideal Clients:

Our ideal clients are B2B businesses with a high lifetime value, requiring a steady stream of referrals and new leads. Our clients include a division of Berkshire Hathaway to one of the nation’s largest live event ticket sellers to other consulting firms and agencies.

How To Refer:

Anytime you encounter a potential fit, feel free to initiate an email introduction to See the email sample below that you can copy and paste and send to someone with our background. We can provide you with email templates to simplify the process.

Referral Agreement:

We created a simple referral agreement that includes the details above. It only requires your signature and address so we know where to send checks — and it only takes 2 minutes to complete!

Ready To Start Collaborating
and Earning?

If you’re excited about this opportunity, let us know, and we’ll promptly send over the referral agreement. We look forward to collaborating with you!

Click the button below to start partnering, or email us directly at

You Can Send Us Your Partnership Agreement

We send 5-30 introductions per day, so we would love to learn more about your services and are happy to sign your partnership agreement if you have one.


How does the referral program work?

Our referral program allows partners to refer potential clients and earn rewards for successful conversions. Simply submit your referrals through our designated platform.

What incentives are offered for successful referrals?

Partners can earn commissions, bonuses, or other rewards for each successful referral, depending on the specifics of the program.

How are referrals tracked and credited?

Referrals are tracked through our dedicated referral system, which automatically credits you for successful conversions using unique referral links.

What support materials are provided for partners?

We provide marketing materials, training resources, and ongoing support to help partners effectively promote the referral program.

Is there a limit to the number of referrals I can make?

No, there is no limit on the number of referrals you can submit. We encourage partners to refer as many qualified leads as possible!

How often are rewards paid out, and what is the payment process?

Rewards are typically paid out on a monthly basis through direct deposit. Detailed payment instructions are provided upon enrollment.